
package internal

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait Checkpointer[F[_], C] extends Monoid[C]

    Checkpoints messages to the input stream so that we don't read them again.

    Checkpoints messages to the input stream so that we don't read them again. A single checkpointer might be responsible for multiple incoming messages.


    An effect


    Source-specific type describing the outstading messages

  2. case class LowLevelEvents[C](events: Chunk[ByteBuffer], ack: C, earliestSourceTstamp: Option[Instant]) extends Product with Serializable

    The events and checkpointable item emitted by a LowLevelSource

    The events and checkpointable item emitted by a LowLevelSource

    This library uses LowLevelEvents internally, but it is never exposed to the high level event processor

Value Members

  1. object Checkpointer extends Serializable
  2. object CleanCancellation
