
package transform

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. transform
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. type SchemaSubVersion = (Int, Int)
  2. case class TabledEntity(entityType: EntityType, vendor: String, schemaName: String, model: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Identifier for a family of versioned Snowplow entities which are treated as a common entity when writing to the table

    Identifier for a family of versioned Snowplow entities which are treated as a common entity when writing to the table

    E.g. unstruct events with types 1-0-0, 1-0-1, and 1-1-0 are treated as the same TabledEntity


    whether this is a unstruct event or context


    the Iglu schema vendor


    the Iglu schema name


    the Iglu schema model number, i.e. 1-*-*

  3. case class TypedTabledEntity(tabledEntity: TabledEntity, mergedField: Field, mergedVersions: Set[SchemaSubVersion], recoveries: List[(SchemaSubVersion, Field)]) extends Product with Serializable

    Field type information for a family of versioned Iglu schemas which are treated as a common entity when writing to the table

    Field type information for a family of versioned Iglu schemas which are treated as a common entity when writing to the table

    E.g. unstruct events with types 1-0-0, 1-0-1, and 1-1-0 are merged into the same TypedTabledEntity


    Identifier to this entity. Includes meta data but no type information.


    The schema-ddl Field describing a merge of all schema versions in this group


    The sub-versions (e.g. '*-0-0' and '*-0-1') which were successfully merged into the mergedField


    The schema-ddl Fields for schema versions which could not be merged into the main mergedField

Value Members

  1. object AtomicFields
  2. object NonAtomicFields
  3. object TabledEntity extends Serializable
  4. object Transform
  5. object TypedTabledEntity extends Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
